Finally..i managed to settle our unit KuTu issue with my friend seems like a big issue isn', this KuTu session should start last month but we are running out of time at that time, then it was postponed to this month....finally the schedule is out with 2 teams...due to lot of last minutes additional of team members...n the session should end this year....1 team with 100 per person n another team with 200 per person...hehehe
That's all...i'll update my busy schedule next oh my...everyday will full with meeting/discussion/workshop @ office n kl...
Remember EARTH hour this night..8.30-9.30pm.....:P
Tensionnyer my outlook is having problem right now...i can't sent email and move my email to personal folder n all my rules were failed....ishhh....nie sume gara2 blackout yesterday at my office for 2 minutes...adui...pls help me...what to inbox for sure will full in hour time...TenSionNyerrrr....
2 weeks ago